How to remove Rapid 2.0 ransomware and decrypt files

Rapid 2.0 is the updated version of Rapid Ransomware which does not affect users from Russia. After penetration, virus first checks locale settings on victim’s computer and if they aren’t set to Russian, encryption begins. Rapid 2.0 Ransomware also differs from the first version by extension and ransom note.

How to remove Arrow Ransomware and decrypt .arrow files

Arrow Ransomware is a new version of infamous Dharma Ransomware which has already affected many users around the world. As a previous one, Arrow Ransomware encrypts users’ personal files using both AES and RSA ciphers and appends .[].arrow extension to all infected files. The extension may vary, depending on the version: .id-[random-characters].[].arrow, [].arrow.

How to remove Zenis ransomware and decrypt files

Zenis is a hazardous computer virus that prevents access to user files using AES cipher. Once it gets on PC, Zenis starts to scan and encrypt all sensitive files including photos, videos and documents. Names of all infected files will be changed in accordance with Zenis-[2 random characters].[12 random characters] pattern.

GPGQwerty Ransomware and decrypt .qwerty files

GPGQwerty is a virus, classified as a ransomware. Also called file encryptor, it has a high damage level for user data on PC. inserts into filenames a .(random name).qwerty extension. GPGQwerty can attack files with JPG, DOC, MP3, DB extensions. After infiltrating, a user can't use own data files on PC, because they become encrypted. Besides, the virus creates a README_DECRYPT.txt file, where hackers require money for potential decrypting. Of course, we urged you not to pay to cybercriminals, because real decrypting is not guaranteed.

How to remove CryptConsole Ransomware and decrypt files

A CryptConsole is a virus, classified as a "fake ransomware". It has a medium damage level for user data on PC. The malicious program, also called file encryptor inserts into filenames a random extension. First of all, a virus targets files with JPG, DOC, MP3 extensions and also databases. After infiltrating, it seems like files were coded. Besides, virus creates help.txt file, where cybercriminal requires money. Don't worry, in fact a virus only changes extensions, it does not encrypt files. Of course, we urged you not to pay to "lazy cybercriminals", because it can increase a number of new real PC threats, that someone can met in future.

How to remove HrHr ransomware and decrypt files

A HrHr is a unpleasant virus, classified as a ransomware. It may cause many troubles for user data on PC. The malicious program, also called file encryptor, codes all data files on a system and inserts into filenames a extension. First of all, a virus targets files with JPG, DOC, MP3 extensions. After encrypting, there are opened in coded unreadable form. Be careful, HrHr ransomware can encode all new files, that you try to copy to infected system.

How to remove Mobef-Salam Ransomware and decrypt files

A Mobef-Salam is a terrible ransomware, which may cause many troubles for user. The malicious program, also called file encryptor. First of all it codes all data files on users PC and inserts into filenames a random extension. Files with next extensions: JPG, DOC, MP3 orhers are opened in coded unreadable form. Be careful, Mobef-Salam ransomware can encode all new files, that you try to copy on infected system.

How to remove DataKeeper Ransomware and decrypt files

ataKeeper ransomware is a file encryptor, wich codes users files. All user data: MS Office, OpenOffice, PDF, TXT, MP3 files become locked by a virus. Ransomware can add to file a random extension, and (after encryption) it opened only in coded unreadable form. Besides that, the virus creates a !!! ##### === ReadMe === ##### !!!.htm file, where shows ways to decode user's files (by the payloads).