How to remove TURBOMAC Adware (Mac)

The creators of TurboMac make this application with an intention to persuade users that it is a helpful tool for shopping online. The official description promises that TurboMac will enhance browsing experience by the means of adding information about best offers and current sales into a browser window.

How to remove page

As many other hijackers. tries to leave a good impression on its users, so to prolong the time of their unawareness. This is important, as the search engine exists only for one reason, which is to promote partners’ sources. Thus, the longer it stays on the system, the more of these sites a victim will visit, and the more revenue developers gain.

How to remove DocToPDF Toolbar

DocToPDF Toolbar is a tool that is compatible with many browsers. This application, according to its description, should convert .doc files to .pdf, however instead it brings only headache to the user who installed it. The browser extension not only adds the toolbar to a browser, but also alters its settings. This includes changing the main page, which becomes an unpopular and dubious search domain.

How to remove Cerber3 and decrypt .CERBER3 files

Cerber encryption virus has underwent many changes since its first release, and at the end of the summer 2016 there is a new third version of the ransomware - Cerber3. Most likely this has been done to overcome the free Cerber Decryptor that is able to decrypt the files affected by two previous versions. The Cerber3 threat now adds the .cerber3 extension to the files which are now encrypted individually.

How to remove hijacker page is the page that serves as an element of a browser hijacker threat of the same name. The most tricky thing about browser hijackers is that they manage to win people’s trust by well-thought design that resembles popular search domains. This particular hijacker copies the design of Yahoo search engine with the exception of some advertisement banners and extra icons of well-known social networks and services.

How to remove Fantom ransomware and decrypt .fantom files

Fantom ransomware does its best to sneak into a system unnoticed and usually it succeeds as it applies to the most innocent-looking disguise. Before starting anything else, Fantom ransomware displays a fake Windows Update screen. This trick works pretty well, as users do not take any actions until the end of the upgrade, and this gives the ransomware some time to encrypt the files.

How to remove ArcadeSwim ads

ArcadeSwim is a source that contains a plethora of online games and allows to play them within your browser. The service would be handy and attractive, for the exception of two facts. First, it uses a deceptive technique to install itself on a victim’s system and second, it is closely connected with an adware application. So, after installation of the ArcadeSwim browser extension, a user will experience the rapid increase of commercials in all browsers presenting on the system.

How to remove ZEUS virus pop-ups

Zeus alert or The Windows Detected ZEUS Virus is a fake notification about system hazard that appears in a browser. Though it is strange that the error is displayed within a browser window, many people start to panic after seeing the message. The scammers manage to achieve this effect by utilizing the name of an infamous Trojan that has recently put at danger many computers and by adding the alert Hard Drive Safety Delete Starting in: 5:00.

How to remove BSOD Error scam

If your browser starts to warn you about system critical condition, then it’s likely to be the BSOD Error scam. You may have suspicions why the system warns you about a critical error within a browser, which is a good question that can be explained only by the fact that the error is a fraud. This fraud has several forms, however, the way to handle them is the same - simply ignore the warnings.