How to remove Keq4p Ransomware and decrypt .keq4p files

What is Keq4p Ransomware?

Keq4p is a file-locking threat that was spotted at the end of September 2021. It often gets on users’ computers via infected emails, pirated software, and harmful websites. Once it gets into the system, the virus starts encryption procedure making users’ files unavailable until they are decrypted. Nevertheless, if you are infected with this ransomware, let us warn you – do not spend any money on ransom, there are a lot of reports that cybercriminals just ignore their victims. Instead, you may try using this guide to remove Keq4p Ransomware and decrypt .keq4p files without spending any money.

Keq4p ransomware

Keq4p Ransomware infiltrates the victim’s system with the help of trojans, botnets, exploits, and infected spam email attachments. After this, it starts the encryption procedure so that these files can not be used or accessed until they are decrypted. In doing so, all infected files will be appended with composite extension: .[random_characters].keq4p. For example, the file “myfamily.jpg” will turn into “myfamily.jpg.T112tM5obZYOoP4QFkev4kSFA1OPjfHsqNza12hxEMj_uCNVPRWni8s0.keq4p“. Once all the data is encrypted, it leaves a TXT file (“zB6F_HOW_TO_DECRYPT.txt”) that contains the kidnappers’ demands.

Although Keq4p is a really dangerous virus, you still have a good chance to get them back. Before deciphering, you should first stay focused on removing Keq4p Ransomware to avoid re-infection. Once Keq4p Ransomware is removed, you can proceed with decryption. Both automatic and manual solution is presented here that we hope will help you remove Keq4p Ransomware and recover your files.

How to remove Keq4p ransomware?

To make sure that the ransomware won’t reappear, you need to delete Keq4p ransomware completely. For this, you need to remove the files and registry entries of the ransomware. We should warn you that performing some of the steps may require above-average skills, so if you don’t feel experienced enough, you may apply to the automatic removal tool.

Download SpyHunter

Performing an antimalware scan with Norton would automatically search out and delete all elements related to ransomware. It is not only the easiest way to eliminate ransomware but also the safest and the most assuring one.

How to decrypt .keq4p files

Restore files with Stellar Data Recovery

Stellar Data Recovery is an essential tool in the fight against ransomware-type viruses that can recover encrypted files.

stellar data recovery tool

  1. Download Stellar Data Recovery and launch it
  2. Select the drive you want to recover and click START SCAN
  3. After scanning is finished, you are presented with a list of recoverable files found.
  4. Select the required files and click the Recover
Download Stellar Data Recovery

Restore the system

  1. Initiate the search for system restore
  2. Click on the result
  3. Choose the date before the infection appearance
  4. Follow the on-screen instructions

Roll the files back to the previous version

  1. Right-click the file and choose Properties
  2. Open the Previous Version tab
  3. Select the latest version and click Copy
  4. Click Restore

If the above-mentioned methods didn’t help in eliminating the threat, then it’s better to rely on an automatic way of deleting Keq4p Ransomware.

How to prevent ransomware infection

To prevent infection with ransomware-type viruses, you should have proper antimalware software. This method is convenient because it allows you to detect a virus before it penetrates, and therefore to avoid infection and the loss of all your data. It is capable of protecting not only home computers but also server systems in large organizations. Download an antimalware program to secure your system and privacy.
Download SpyHunter

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