How to remove Marshmello Wallpapers New Tab

What is Marshmello New Tab?
Marshmello New Tab is a questionable browser extension that that spreads with the help of software bundling or is installed via third-party websites intentionally. This application has been created with the sole purpose – to gain income from promoting 3rd-party products. Once installed, it urgently changes settings of Google Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Edge, or other browsers and sets the new tab URL and homepage to From that point, users are forced to browse the internet via the fake search engine, which provides inaccurate results filled with sponsored links, redirects users to questionable sites, and displays huge amount of advertisements on websites user visits. In addition, it can track your browsing sessions and collect all information regarding these activities and transfer it to 3-rd parties. We guess that these reasons are enough to understand that Marshmello New Tab removal is necessary if you want to protect your computer from possible damage.