How to remove MyTelevisionHQ from Macbook

What is MyTelevisionHQ?
MyTelevisionHQ is a browser toolbar that may appear in a browser without user consent. Given the fact, MyTelevisionHQ is a product developed by infamous MindSpark Interactive Co., we with 100% confidence can state that your browser got hijacked. Malware like this usually gets installed on a user’s computer together with free programs. After this, it modifies the browser’s settings so that the user is forced to use as a primary startup page/ search engine/ new tab. Switching to Google, Yahoo or other search providers becomes almost impossible because it reverts all back again and again. Having MyTelevisionHQ installed on your device also may put your privacy at risk. The browser hijacker continuously tracks all data related to your browsing activity (browsing history, most visited websites, accounts, input passwords and so on). That’s why we recommend you to remove MyTelevisionHQ as quickly as possible.