How to remove FastFileConvert New Tab (

What is FastFileConvert?
FastFileConvert is a misleading browser’s extension that allegedly enhances users’ browsing experience. This app embeds its own new tab into your browser that has built-in file converter. At first glance, FastFileConvert might seem useful application with innocent appearance allowing easily convert files directly from your browser, however, it’s all just a shell. Promised benefits are merely a trick as developers have ulterior motives. In fact, it’s yet another marketing-related tool used to maximize third-parties’ profit. The main purpose of FastFileConvert is to generate revenue while displaying advertisements, rerouting users to partner websites and sharing users’ data with third-parties. Therefore, if you have FastFileConvert installed on your system, you should get rid of it as soon as possible. To remove FastFileConvert and prevent its frustrating symptoms, you may use our step-by-step guide. If you have difficulty when trying to eliminate FastMail Tab manually, you may use an automated removal tool provided below.